all these pictures present the Al Ain city in United Arab Emirates & Burimi city in Oman


Sunday 14 September 2008

pictures of the falaj oasis


these are a couple of pictures from our trip to the falaj oasis or kahbeeb oasis next tot he Ubboul oasis.

the great thing thing about these oasis is the falaj system over there and the great yellow color of the fort too.

hope you enjoy the pictures.
a view form the oasis with all the palm trees

it might be water skeeter , but i am sure its an insect!\

i really like the view from this picture


Unknown said...

Your image of a water skeeter (I don't know for sure if that is what it is) is actually a pair of them. Looks like they may be in the process of making more!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for some stunning images. Have a great day!