all these pictures present the Al Ain city in United Arab Emirates & Burimi city in Oman


Wednesday 10 September 2008

Footed gecko


Here are some cuople clos up shots of the footed gecko that can be found almost every where in the mountains over UAE and Oman as well

The eyes , the eyes is a whole story to me for these little cute animals.., they such an amazing eye , looks like a planet to me sometimes , and sometimes nothing better than seeing their eyes and wondering all the time.

hope you like them :)


Anonymous said...

i'm so moved by ure pics....glad 2 find there r ppl my age who enjoy nature.....good luck 4 the future n happy ramadan 2 u!

Stained said...

You need to buy a Macro lens....seriously...

I don't know how people can be scared of these small lizards...nice pictures..

Jack and Brenda said...

Very nice close-up of it's eyes! They look a lot like frog eyes.