Wadi Nahayan is a remarkable geological feature on Jebel Hafit. There is also 'waterfalls' , a geologicalfeature created by water streaming down the northern face of JebelHafit.
it was a greatplace to visit and we had a nice time.

Dedicated for the Emirates Natural History Group...and for the great person who shows me how happy life can be.
Nice photos....very artistic indeed.
Your new site Amer looks excellent. The photos also, as always, are excellent.
I'm impressed that you have become a tour guide and are teaching basic Arabic. Way to go.
thanks nurse on a call , :)
thank you Robin , so glad you like it.
here you go Sir , i've shouldn done this before ..but step by step :), say hi to Tory Please
3njd yslmo elk kteeeer 3la hl sowr
laenhom 3njd rw3a ,,,
o bsra7a ana b7b heeek amakn
mab3rf lesh bs brta7 fehom aktr mn el amakn ele n7na 3ayshen fehom
o rbe y3tek alf 3afya
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